香港排球總會舉辦第三屆亞洲女排挑戰盃香港代表隊答謝及分享會 慶祝香港女子成年排球代表隊勇奪冠軍 
發佈日期 2022年07月20日
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香港排球總會於2022年7月16日假香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學傅浩堅教授演講廳舉辦「第三屆亞洲女排挑戰盃香港代表隊答謝及分享會」。香港女子成年排球代表隊日前於泰國佛統舉行的第三屆亞洲女排挑戰盃中勇奪冠軍,創出港隊於國際比賽的最好成績。總會為此特別安排答謝及分享會,並邀請到奪冠成員、一眾嘉賓及各個支援團隊的代表出席,當中包括香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學校監傅浩堅教授BBS, MH, JP、香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學總校長陳偉佳博士、香港中文大學醫學院助理院長(校友事務)兼香港排球總會義務醫療顧問容樹恒教授MH, JP,以及專業體能團隊代表李韋煜博士等。

香港排球總會會長吳守基先生GBS, MH, JP致辭時感謝香港女子成年排球隊及教練團在過去幾年的努力,並代表總會感謝香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學借出場地支持港隊作恆常訓練基地;感謝容樹恒教授擔任總會義務醫療顧問,以及雷雄德博士擔任義務科研顧問,指兩位專家在港隊的科學化訓練上提供了寶貴的專業意見。容教授領導的中大運動醫學團隊為港隊球員在這段期間的支援,加上專業體能團隊的體能訓練,令球員迅速提升狀態,在今次比賽取得驕人成績。

香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學校監傅浩堅教授BBS, MH, JP祝賀女子成年排球代表隊於比賽中奪冠,認為這次成績再次證明了香港運動員的實力,校方將繼續借出場地予港隊練習;香港中文大學醫學院助理院長(校友事務)兼香港排球總會義務醫療顧問容樹恒教授MH, JP致辭時感謝總會邀請他擔任義務醫療顧問,並代表中大運動醫學團隊感謝總會及港隊提供平台予團隊有學習及實際操作的機會。

香港女子成年排球代表隊副隊長余映姿代表一眾隊友致感謝辭,感謝總會一直以來的支持,亦向教練團隊、醫療團隊、專業體能團隊以及提供恆常場地的王錦輝中小學表達謝意;同時她代表隊伍感謝香港隊的支持者,承諾將來會繼續努力練習,盡力於比賽中取得最好的成績。隨後,總會會長吳守基先生GBS, MH, JP及執行委員會主席暨香港代表隊事務委員會主席趙文憲先生送贈紀念品予女子成年排球隊,以嘉許參賽隊員及教練團的努力。



香港排球總會會長吳守基先生GBS, MH, JP感謝港隊在過去幾年的努力,以及各界對港隊的支援。


香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學校監傅浩堅教授BBS, MH, JP祝賀港隊奪冠,並表示校方會繼續借出場地支持港隊訓練。


香港中文大學醫學院助理院長(校友事務)兼香港排球總會義務醫療顧問容樹恒教授MH, JP感謝港隊提供機會予中大運動醫學團隊學習。





VBAHK held “Hong Kong Team’s Sharing and Recognition Ceremony for The 3rd AVC Women’s Challenge Cup”
To Celebrates Hong Kong Senior Women’s Volleyball Team winning the Championship

Volleyball Association of Hong Kong, China (VBAHK) held "Hong Kong Team's Sharing and Recognition Ceremony for The 3rd AVC Women's Challenge Cup" at Prof. Frank Fu Hoo Kin Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School (HKBUAS) on 16 July evening. Hong Kong Senior Women's Volleyball Team won the 3rd AVC Women's Challenge Cup last month in Nakhon Pathom, Thailand; it is the best result ever for the Hong Kong Team in international competition. VBAHK held the ceremony and invited team members, guests and representatives of various supporting parties, including Prof. Frank Fu Hoo Kin, BBS, MH, JP, Supervisor of HKBUAS; Dr. Benjamin Chan Wai Kai, Chief Principal of HKBUAS; Prof. Patrick Yung Shu Hang, MH, JP, Assistant Dean of Alumni Affairs of the Faculty of Medicine of CUHK and the Honorary Medical Advisor of VBAHK, and Dr. Justin Lee Wai Yuk, representative of Fitness Coach Team etc.

Mr. Wilfred Ng Sau Kei, GBS, MH, JP, President of VBAHK appreciated the Hong Kong Senior Women's Volleyball Team and the coaching team for their hard work in the past few years in his speech and expressed his gratitude to the HKBUAS for providing the venue as a regular training base for the team. He also thanked Prof. Yung for being the Honorary Medical Advisor and Dr. Lobo Louie, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Health and Physical Education of EdUHK, for being the Honorary Scientific Research Advisor for VBAHK, saying that they have provided valuable professional advice on the scientific training of the Hong Kong Team. The CUHK Sports Medicine Team, led by Prof. Yung, and the fitness coach team have provided support and training to help the players improve their condition in a short period, which led to a remarkable result in this competition.

Prof. Frank Fu BBS, MH, JP congratulated the Hong Kong Senior Women's Volleyball Team for winning the competition, and the result once again proved the class of Hong Kong athletes. HKBUAS will continue to provide the venue for the Hong Kong Team. Prof. Patrick Yung MH, JP felt honoured to be the Honorary Medical Advisor. On behalf of the CUHK Sports Medicine Team, he appreciated VBAHK and the Hong Kong Team for providing a platform for the team to have a learn and gain practical experience.

Ms. YU Ying Chi, the vice-captain of the Hong Kong Senior Women's Volleyball Team, expressed her gratitude for the continuous support from VBAHK, the coaching team, CUHK Sports Medicine Team, and the fitness coach team, as well as HKBUAS, which provided the regular training venue. On behalf of the team, she is grateful to have the supporters of the Hong Kong team; she promised the team would continue to work hard and try their best to achieve the best results in the future. Afterwards, Mr. Wilfred Ng, GBS, MH, JP, and Mr. Chiu Man Hin, the Chairperson of the Executive Committee and Hong Kong Team Affairs Commission, presented souvenirs to the Hong Kong Senior Women's Volleyball Team in recognition of the efforts of the team members and coaches.

VBAHK will continue to support the development of local volleyball and the Hong Kong Volleyball Team, and strive for more opportunities for the Hong Kong Team to participate in international competitions in the future. Besides the Hong Kong Senior Women's Volleyball Team, the Hong Kong Senior Men's Volleyball Team will take part in the AVC Cup for Men' to be held in Thailand in August, and the Hong Kong Junior Men's Volleyball Team will also participate in the 21st Asian Men's U20 Volleyball Championship in Rifa, Bahrain.

Photo 1:

Mr. Wilfred Ng Sau Kei, GBS, MH, JP, President of VBAHK appreciated the Hong Kong Senior Women's Volleyball Team and the coaching team for their hard work in the past few years, and the support from various parties.

Photo 2:

Prof. Frank Fu Hoo Kin, BBS, MH, JP, Supervisor of HKBUAS, congratulated the Hong Kong Senior Women's Volleyball Team for winning the competition, and HKBUAS will continue to provide the venue for the Hong Kong Team.

Photo 3:

Prof. Patrick Yung Shu Hang, MH, JP, Assistant Dean of Alumni Affairs of the Faculty of Medicine of CUHK and the Honorary Medical Advisor of VBAHK appreciated the Hong Kong Team for providing the learning opportunity for CUHK Sports Medicine Team.

Photo 4:

Ms. YU Ying Chi, the vice-captain of the Hong Kong Senior Women's Volleyball Team, appreciated all the support from various parties and promised that the team would continue to work hard to achieve good results again.

Photo 5:

The guests took a picture with the Hong Kong Senior Women's Volleyball Team and the coaching team.

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