香港排球總會籌組科學化訓練團隊 為港隊出戰作準備 
發佈日期 2022年06月16日
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香港排球總會籌組科學化訓練團隊 為港隊出戰作準備

香港男、女子排球及沙灘排球成年代表隊自今年4月各體育處所重開後已積極投入訓練,以備戰即將舉行的國際賽事及早前宣佈延至2023年舉行之杭州亞運。為協助提升球員水平及在賽事上的競爭力,香港排球總會自去年底開始積極為港隊籌組肌力與體能訓練團隊,期望將專業科學化訓練融入港隊訓練中。本會有幸於年初邀請到香港中文大學醫學院助理院長(校友事務)容樹恒醫生及香港教育大學健康與體育學系高級講師雷雄德博士,分別擔任本會義務醫療顧問及義務科研顧問,藉此為肌力與體能訓練 (Strength and Conditioning,簡稱S&C) 提供寶貴的專業意見。



此外,本會與香港浸會大學附屬學校王錦輝中小學合作,為港隊提供恆常訓練基地,讓港隊可以在學校課餘時間使用校內訓練設施,以備戰各項大型賽事。港隊於今年初開始便於王錦輝中小學進行恆常訓練,而男子成年隊於5月中旬亦以此作為補選場地,塞爾維亞籍主教練Dragan Mihailovic及教練團隊希望透過今次補選,挑選具潛質的本地球員加入港隊常規訓練陣容,提升球隊實力,為8月於泰國舉行的亞洲盃男子排球賽作準備。過去三年因疫情嚴峻,港隊甚少參與國際賽事,除了亞洲盃男子排球賽,女子成年隊亦率先於下周出發前往泰國,參加第三屆亞洲女排挑戰盃。








Volleyball Association of Hong Kong, China
Recruited Scientific Training Team to Get Well Prepared for Competitions

Hong Kong Men’s and Women’s Volleyball and Beach Volleyball Teams have been fully engaged in training after sports facilities being reopened in April to get well prepared for the upcoming international competitions and the postponed Asian Games in 2023. In order to improve players’ performance and teams’ competitiveness in international competitions, Volleyball Association of Hong Kong, China (VBAHK) had started to recruit Fitness Coach Team since the end of last year; expect to involve scientific elements in Hong Kong Teams’ training. Also, we felt honored to have Prof. Patrick Yung, Assistant Dean of Alumni Affairs of the Faculty of Medicine of CUHK, and Dr. Lobo Louie, Senior Lecturer of Department of Health and Physical Education of EdUHK, as our Honorary Medical Advisor and Honorary Scientific Research Advisor respectively. Their professional advices on the newly introduced Strength and Conditioning project are valuable for the association.

VBAHK has recruited Fitness Coach Team to provide Strength and Conditioning training for Hong Kong Teams. Players had undergone fitness assessments in April, regarding the result, Fitness Coach Team has developed a training programme which is specially for volleyball players and work against players’ weaknesses. The training programme targets on players’ core muscles, muscular strength and power, as well as mobility with the aim of enhancing sports performance and reducing the risk of injury.

Meanwhile, VBAHK has built a partnership with CUHK Sports Medicine Team to provide medical support to Hong Kong Teams such as physiotherapy and regular assessment to evaluate players’ injury risk, so that players could put all their efforts on training. Besides, CUHK Sports Medicine Team will assist VBAHK in holding conference, seminar or workshop so as to enhance knowledge level of local players and coaches. They will conduct scientific researches as well which focus on volleyball players for the sake of future success of Hong Kong Teams and long-term development of local volleyball.

VBAHK has also collaborated with Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School (HKBUAS), to provide a regular training base for the Hong Kong Teams. They can use the school's training facilities after school hours for preparing upcoming competitions. The Hong Kong Teams have been training regularly at HKBUAS from earlier this year, and the Hong Kong Senior Men’s Volleyball Team used the venue for midterm tryout in mid-May. Head Coach Dragan Mihailovic and his team hope to select potential players to join regular training squad through this tryout, in order to enhance the team's strength and prepare for the AVC Cup For Men that scheduled to be held in Thailand during August. Due to the pandemic in last three years, the Hong Kong team has rarely participated in international competitions. Apart from the AVC Cup For Men, the Hong Kong Senior Women’s Volleyball Team will also travel to Thailand next week, and participate in the 3rd AVC Women's Challenge Cup.

VBAHK is glad to receive assistance from various parties to support Hong Kong Teams. VBAHK hoping that through a series of training and supporting measures, Hong Kong Teams can strengthen its competitiveness in international competitions, and achieve good results in the competitions to bring glory to Hong Kong.

Photo 1:

Fitness Coach Team conducted Strength and Conditioning training for the Hong Kong team.

Photo 2:

CUHK Sports Medicine Team carried out scientific assessments for the Hong Kong team.

Photo 3:

Hong Kong Senior Men’s Volleyball Team used the Indoor Gymnasium in HKBUAS for the midterm tryout in mid-May.


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