發佈日期 2021年07月26日
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為提升各國及地區排球水平,國際排球聯會(FIVB)推出教練外展計劃,委派資深教練到不同國家及地區指導當地球隊。藉此機會,香港排球總會聘請塞爾維亞籍教練Dragan Mihailovic來港擔任香港男子排球代表隊發展及技術總監,負責香港男子成年、青年及少年排球代表隊之未來發展。由本年7月中起,Dragan Mihailovic將展開為期5個月的指導及訓練計劃,旨在提升港隊球員的技術、戰術意識及身體素質,以備戰2022年於中國杭州舉辦的第十九屆亞洲運動會。

香港排球總會會長吳守基先生,GBS, MH, JP指,期望總監在計劃期間能與代表隊教練及球員緊密合作,增強港隊實力;Dragan Mihailovic亦表示他感到十分高興及期待能為香港排球作出貢獻。

Dragan Mihailovic擁有超過25年國際教練經驗,他曾任教多國國家代表隊,包括印度(2019)、阿聯酋(2006)、前南斯拉夫(1995-1998, 2002)等;亦曾於法國、希臘、芬蘭、波蘭等國家擔任多隊甲級(A-1)球隊之主教練。Dragan Mihailovic曾任教的球隊均獲得多個獎項,他在前南斯拉夫國家代表隊任職助理教練期間,曾帶領球隊獲得奧運會銅牌,亦於世界盃、歐洲錦標賽等國際比賽中取得佳績。

Dragan Mihailovic於7月17日(上周六)晚上與香港男子排球代表隊之教練團隊進行會議,於會上他與各教練討論香港隊的發展方向,並提供訓練建議。Dragan Mihailovic續於7月19日(星期一)晚上首次參與男子成年排球代表隊的恆常訓練,了解男成代表隊各球員之狀況及水平。他認為整個訓練計劃時間及訓練次數有限,要於短時間內提升港隊實力為一大挑戰,但相信透過與總會各人緊密合作,審視球隊之強弱項,有信心能夠提升香港代表隊的整體水平,使港隊於將來比賽中有更好的表現。


香港男子排球代表隊發展及技術總監Dragan Mihailovic與本會香港男子排球代表隊之教練團隊進行會議。


Dragan Mihailovic與香港排球總會董事石徐惠芬女士合照。


Dragan Mihailovic與石徐惠芬女士及香港男子排球代表隊之教練團隊合照。

Volleyball Association of Hong Kong, China
Invited Mr. Dragan Mihailovic as
Development and Technical Director of Hong Kong Men’s Volleyball Team

In order to improve the volleyball standard in different countries and regions, the Fédération Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB) has launched a Volleyball Empowerment program, appointing experienced coaches to provide guidance to national teams in different countries and regions. With this opportunity, the Volleyball Association of Hong Kong, China (VBAHK) has invited Serbian coach Mr. Dragan Mihailovic to be the Development and Technical Director (DTD) of the Hong Kong Men's Volleyball Team, responsible for the future development of the Hong Kong Senior and Junior Men's, and Boys’ Youth Volleyball Teams. Starting from mid-July this year, Dragan Mihailovic will start a 5-month coaching and training program to improve the skills, tactical awareness and physical fitness of the Hong Kong Men’s Volleyball Team, in preparation for the 19th Asian Games to be held in Hangzhou, China in 2022.

The President of VBAHK, Mr. NG Sau Kei, Wilfred, GBS, MH, JP hoped that the DTD could work closely with the team coaches and players to strengthen the team competence during the program. Dragan Mihailovic said that he is happy to be appointed as this role and looks forward to contribute his best to the Hong Kong volleyball.

Dragan Mihailovic has more than 25 years of experience as an international coach for a number of national teams, including India (2019), United Arab Emirates (2006) and Yugoslavia (1995-1998, 2002). He had also been the head coach of a number of A-1 teams in different countries, e.g. France, Greece, Finland and Poland. The teams that Dragan coached had won numerous awards. During his time as an assistant coach for the Yugoslavia National Team, he led the team to win the bronze medal at the Olympic Games and achieved good results in international competitions such as the World Cup and the European Championship.

Dragan Mihailovic has finished a strategic meeting with the coaches of the Hong Kong Men's Volleyball Teams on July 17, discussed and provided advice to the future development direction of the teams. Dragan also participated in the regular training of the Senior Men's Volleyball Team for the first time on July 19. He took the opportunity to review the level of each player in the team. He believed that it is a challenge to strengthen the team competence in limited time and number of trainings of the program. However, he is confident that through the close cooperation with VBAHK, the overall level of the teams will be raised and the teams will have better performance in future competitions.

Photo 1:

Dragan Mihailovic, the Development and Technical Director of the Hong Kong Men's Volleyball Team, is having a meeting with the Hong Kong Men's Volleyball Team Coaches.

Photo 2:

Dragan Mihailovic takes a picture with Mrs. SHEK TSUI Wai Fun, Marina, Director of the VBAHK.

Photo 3:

Dragan Mihailovic takes a picture with Mrs. SHEK TSUI Wai Fun, Marina and the Hong Kong Senior Men’s Volleyball Team Coaches.


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